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Amazing Home Remedies for Dark Circles under Eyes

 When you look at someone’s face, one of the first things that you notice is their eyes as they say that eyes can do the talking for you. Our eyes add to our looks and need regular care to help us look prettier and more attractive. Often, women develop dark circles under their eyes which makes them look unpleasant and unattractive to others. Medicated creams and lotions can prove to be quite expensive with no guarantee and this is why we recommend these amazing home remedies to do the job for you in a cheap and effective manner.


One of the best home remedies for dark circles under eyes is that of cucumber. Having some great skin lightening properties and being a good astringent, it helps to cure dark circles. Cut a fresh cucumber into thick slices and cool them in the refrigerator. Now apply one slice under each eye for 20 minutes. When done, wash off with cold water. Repeat for a month and see the difference yourself.


Tomatoes too help to lighten skin color and do away with dead skin which forms the topmost layer on our skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of tomato juice with a few drops of lemon juice and apply on the dark circles keeping your eyes closed. Let the mix remain on it for 15 minutes. Rinse off with clean water and then open your eyes. Do this everyday for a fortnight. Also, drink tomato juice every day and add some mint leaves and salt to it.


Another great home remedy is potatoes which contains natural bleaching agents in it. It is also helpful in reducing puffiness around eyes along with the dark circles. Grate a few potato slices to get it juice. Dip a ball of cotton in this juice and apply on the dark circles. Let it remain for a few minutes and then wash off with cold water. Alternately, you can place potato slices if the juices drip and make you feel uncomfortable.

Rose water

Rose water contains some great skin care properties which help it to clean off dark circles and give way to fairer skin below the eyes region. Soak 2 cotton pads in rose water and place one each under the eyes. Let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off the area with cold water. Rose water soothes the eyes and you do not have to worry if some of it enters your eyes too. Do this repeatedly for 3 to 4 weeks to see visible changes.

Oil of almonds

The oil of almonds is great for reducing dark circles at home. It helps to lighten the skin color and also cleans off the dirt in this region. Apply a little almond oil under both your eyes before going to bed and massage. Let it remain there overnight and wash off your face with cold water the next day. Alternately, you can use Vitamin E oil which has the same effect on the skin.

Mint leaves

The leaves of mint help to soothe your eyes, reduce the dark circles and also rejuvenate the skin around it. Take some fresh mint leaves, crush them and apply under the eyes for 10 minutes. When done, wipe off with clean water. The area will start to lighten gradually and you will feel very relaxed and cool.


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