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How to Get Content Ideas for Viral Traffic


This traffic to website tutorial is all about driving viral traffic to your website. By viral,

we mean that certain people see your content, they like or are interested in it, then share it

with friends.

Then, their friends visit, and more friends share it, and within almost no time, you’ve got viral

traffic flocking to your site!

Yet, where and how you get this kind of content that attracts that type of interesting information that generates viral traffic?

Let’s look into the top 5 ways you can get content ideas for viral web traffic that brings more and more viewers, plus a constant flow of them.

1. Perform a Keyword Research

Go to and simply type in your main keywords. You’ll find

the websites that contain them, which you an mine for content ideas

and concepts.

2. Signup to Google Alerts

If you have a Gmail account, head on over to Google alerts and enter

your keywords there for updates as to whenever fresh articles, videos,

etc are posted. You can have them sent to your email everyday if you


This is probably the best way to siphon content ideas, and you can also

go to these sites and get backlinks and easy traffic through blog


Make sure that your commentary is as close to the first comment as

possible, which is why I recommend that you have Google Alerts sent

fresh to your inbox each and every day.

3. Google Blogsearch

Entering your keywords into Google Blogsearch allows you to see the

most relevant blogs that have them, including their most recent post

containing your keywords.


Again, get quick free backlinks and traffic by posting comments in these

blogs. Try to be the first or second comments for maximum effect.

4. Get Guest Bloggers to Generate Your Content

Email others in your niche, asking to guest blog and also offering to

guest blog for them. It’s a great way to build relationships and eventual

future joint ventures (jvs).

In your initial email, just tell them that you like their blog, what you

like about it, and that you have a similar blog. Offer to write a guest post

for them, and see if they can give you a guest post in order to share traffic.

The bigger sites might not want to do this with you if you’re just starting

out, so finding a site that isn’t too old or too established may give you a

chance and maybe grow together….

5. Watch the Winds

Spy in your competition, check other niche-specific blogs and websites,

read the forums in your niche, email others who have blogs in your

niche, communicate with others in those forums, etc).

See what they have cooking, and see if you’re at the same level or higher than they are. Do you-meaning, do what you do best, but always strive to be better or the best. Your readers will tell each other that you deliver the goods, and your traffic numbers will soar as a result.

Now, you should be consistent in these practices, for they often change over time, depending on what your niche is. To stay relevant, make it a practice to monitor these methods everyday. Your readership deserves the most recent developments in your niche, and you should be the one to give it to them. Don’t let other websites beat you to the punch every time! Done consistently, you’ll have no problem driving traffic to your website using these tactics.


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